
Avocados are ever-popular – and a great fruit to have on hand if the need to whip up some fresh guacamole arises, or you want to make a standout salad. Learn more here about avocado types and how to best make purchases for your operation.

Before purchasing, discover everything you need to know about popular avocado varieties, avocado sizing, avocado ripening stages, and storage and handling.

Popular Avocado Varieties

Variety Primary Applications and Attributes

Hass generally is considered the best for foodservice, due to higher oil content and flavor profile. The majority of avocados grown and sold in the U.S. are of the Hass variety. Hass avocados are oval-shaped fruit with thick, pebbly green skin and pale green creamy flesh. They have skin that turns blackish purple as it ripens. They typically have a small- to medium-size stone. Prices vary dramatically based on availability/seasonality.

SIZING and Application

Popular Variety Sizing
Hass There is usually a cost difference between larger-sized and smaller-sized avocados, with larger sizes generally more expensive. The most widely used avocados in foodservice are 48 and 60 count, with 48 count being the most prominent choice. On average, avocados yield around 63%. To understand the net usable product or yield on additional produce items, check out our Produce Yield Guide.
Approximate Count 84 70 60 48 40 36
Weight (oz.) 3.7 oz. 5.0 oz. 5.9 oz. 7.7 oz. 10 oz. 10.7 oz.
Average Yield (oz.) 2.6 oz. 3.6 oz. 3.9 oz. 5.4 oz. 7.0 oz. 7.4 oz.
Measure (cup) 1/3 cup 7/16 cup 1/2 cup 2/3 cup 7/8 cup 15/16 cup

Pack Sizes

A 25-pound case holds two layers of fruit. The size designation equals the fruit count, e.g., size 48 = 48 count.

A 12.5-pound case holds one layer of fruit. The size designation is double the fruit count, e.g., size 48 = 24 count.

Avocado Ripening Stages

Avocado Ripeness Stages* Characteristics and Storage
(hard stage 1)
Pre-conditioned, firm to touch. Allow 5-7 days to ripen at room temperature (60-65℉).
(breaker stages 2-3)
Pre-conditioned, beginning to soften. Allow 2-5 days to ripen at room temperature (60-65℉). Preferred stage of ripeness for cutting into wedges or slices.
(ripe stages 4-5)
Ready-to-eat, yields to gentle pressure. Store refrigerated at 36-40℉ for up to 5 days. Preferred stage of ripeness for guacamole, but typically too soft to hold shape when cut into wedges or slices.

*Please note, it's important to review the combination of three traits (color, texture and firmness) to assess avocado ripeness.
Color can be very deceptive during certain times of year when the external color of an avocado is green, but the internal flesh is ripe.

Avocado Storage and Handling

  • Handle ripe avocados with care to avoid bruising
  • Do not dump avocados out of carton
  • Check ripeness daily, using ripest fruit first
  • Place ripe avocados in the red zone of cooler and green avocados in the black zone
  • Note: September growing regions change, so the avocados have less oil content, which makes them harder and takes them longer to ripen

Short-term (7 days or Fewer) Storage Recommendations for Whole Avocado

Firm/Unripe Characteristics and Storage
Firm/Unripe 36-40℉ will arrest the ripening process of the fruit
45-50℉ will continue to ripen the fruit
Ripe 36-40℉
90-98% relative humidity

Storage recommendations for processed avocado

  • Slicing open avocados will naturally cause oxidation, and avocados will turn brown over a length of time once exposed to air
  • Recommendations for keeping the natural yellow-green hue of avocados once they are cut
    • Process only what you plan to use the same day
    • Apply lemon or lime juice to the exposed pulp to help slow oxidation
    • Store in airtight or double-sealed plastic containers with clear plastic wrap, and refrigerate. Do not store in metal containers

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