Go Deeper: Resources for hitting zero waste

Implementing a food waste system or improving efforts can seem daunting, especially with the demands of everyday operations. But for every dollar spent on food waste reduction, restaurants can see an average of $8 in savings, according to the World Institutes Group.

Here are some resources to help:

Rescuing Leftover Cuisine, which brings surplus food from foodservice to homeless shelters, has branches in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, New York City and Columbus, Ohio, as well as in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island. Restaurants in cities without a chapter can help form their own.

Restaurants donate excess food to Rethink which then prepares meals to alleviate food insecurity. Branches are in New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, Nashville, Washington, D.C. and Miami.

GreenPlaces provides restaurants insight into emissions, along with guidance to reduce their climate impact in a way that’s simple and easy to implement.

Foodprint Group helps restaurants and hospitality organizations examine waste streams to implement zero waste procedures.

The EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge provides resources for avoiding and diverting food waste, and also recognizes businesses for their efforts.

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)  provides tools for restaurants to perform waste audits, track waste and promote their efforts to guests.