Sustainable Seafood

Serve Good®


As the global demand for seafood continues to grow, we believe we can play an important role in supporting the long-term health of fisheries and aquaculture through the distribution of responsibly sourced seafood. We work with suppliers to guide them on a path towards meeting our certifier-verified Serve Good sustainability standards, promoting social responsibility, food safety, animal welfare and traceability in sourcing. We're continually working to make seafood choices easier and more transparent for you through our Serve Good® and Progress Check® programs.

Sustainable seafood photo


Achieving the highest levels of sustainability certification requires years of investment from fisheries, farms and processors. Our Progress Check program recognizes seafood products that are on their way to meeting our full sustainability standards, and stewards the process toward certification and addition to our Serve Good portfolio.


Fisheries that supply our wild-caught Progress Check seafood products must be on a path to accreditation through a third party such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). MSC addresses the problem of unsustainable fishing around the world, and works specifically to safeguard wild-caught seafood species. Many fisheries undergo assessment and develop a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) that gathers all stakeholders together to ensure the viability of the fishery.


Farm-raised Progress Check fish and seafood products must be on the path to certification by an accredited third-party certifier, such as Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification through the Global Seafood Alliance (GSA). BAP certification provides assurance that no banned antibiotics or other chemicals are used, prevents the pollution of water within the aquaculture environment, ensures best practices for animal care, and requires worker safety and community rights. They may also be part of an aquaculture improvement plan such as iBAP, a precursor to BAP certification, or have received a BAP rating of at least one star. (One star recognizes products produced by a BAP-certified processing plant.)