
Grilled Bacon Jam and Cheese


  • 2 oz. Metro Deli® Uncured Bacon Jam
  • .06 oz. Rykoff Sexton® Non-GMO Canola Pan Spray
  • 2 slices Hilltop Hearth® Sourdough Sliced Bread
  • 1 oz. Rykoff Sexton Red Vine Ripe Roasted Tomato Wedges, drained
  • 4 slices Glenview Farms® Sliced Monterey Jack Cheese


  1. Heat a sauté pan or griddle over medium high heat and spray with pan spray.  
  2. Spread 1 slice of bread with bacon jam and place (jam side up) onto griddle.  
  3. Lay second slice of bread onto griddle, top with tomato wedges and cheese. Cover bread while cooking to warm fillings.  
  4. Once cheese is melted, top with jam slice, pressing gently. Remove to a cutting board and cut in half with a serrated knife.  

Serves: 1